Significant Centrelink Age Pension Changes Coming in August 2024 – Important Notice for Seniors

By Jolly

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Significant Centrelink Age Pension Changes Coming in August 2024 - Important Notice for Seniors

Starting August 1, 2024, significant changes to the Centrelink Age Pension have been implemented, impacting thousands of senior Australians. These changes, while not altering the basic pension rates, introduce adjustments to income and asset thresholds.

As a result, some pensioners may see an increase in their payments or become eligible for pensions they previously did not qualify for. Let’s look into these changes and how they might affect you or your loved ones.


As the new fiscal year kicks off in Australia, seniors receiving the Age Pension will experience several noteworthy changes aimed at enhancing their financial stability. The Age Pension remains a critical source of income for millions of Australians, despite the growing participation in superannuation. With around 39% of Australians relying on the Age Pension—24% of whom receive a partial pension—these updates are crucial for ensuring economic security for older Australians.


To qualify for the Age Pension, individuals must be aged 67 or older and meet specific asset and income test criteria. Starting August 1, 2024, these thresholds have been adjusted to reflect inflation, allowing individuals to own more assets and earn more income without impacting their pension payments. This adjustment means that some who were previously ineligible might now qualify, while those receiving a partial pension may now qualify for a full pension.

In addition to these changes, updates to the Superannuation Pension scheme have also been introduced. The employer’s contribution rate to the Superannuation Scheme has increased from 11% to 11.5%, aimed at boosting retirement funds for workers. Furthermore, contribution limits have been raised to $30,000 for before-tax contributions and $120,000 for after-tax contributions.

Asset Thresholds

One of the most significant changes pertains to the asset thresholds for receiving the Age Pension. These adjustments allow pensioners to hold more assets without losing their eligibility for a full or partial pension.

For those receiving the full Age Pension, the new asset limits are as follows:

A couple, combined$470,000$722,000

These are increases from the previous limits of $301,750 for single homeowners and $543,750 for single non-homeowners. For couples, the combined asset limit has increased from $451,500 for homeowners and $693,500 for non-homeowners.

For those receiving a partial Age Pension, the new asset limits are as follows:

A couple, combined$1,031,000$1,283,000

These are increases from the previous limits of $674,000 for single homeowners and $916,000 for single non-homeowners.

Income Thresholds

Income thresholds have also been updated, allowing pensioners to earn more before their pension payments are affected. For single pensioners, the income threshold has been raised to $212 per fortnight, up from $202. This means that single pensioners can now earn up to $212 per fortnight and still receive the full pension amount.

For couples, the income threshold has increased to $372 per fortnight, up from $360. Couples can now earn up to $372 per fortnight and still receive the full pension. Beyond these limits, the pension is reduced by 50 cents for every dollar earned over the threshold.

The maximum income that singles and couples can earn before their pension is entirely cut off has also been increased. Singles can now earn up to $2,444.60 per fortnight, while couples can earn up to $3,737.60 per fortnight before their pension is completely withdrawn.

Key Takeaways

These adjustments to the Centrelink Age Pension in August 2024 offer improved financial flexibility for many senior Australians. While the basic pension rates remain unchanged, the changes to asset and income thresholds mean that more retirees will be eligible for the pension, and some may receive higher payments. These updates are a part of broader efforts to ensure that older Australians can maintain their financial independence and security as living costs rise.

If you’re a senior Australian or have loved ones who are, it’s important to stay informed about these changes to make the most of your retirement benefits.


What are the new asset limits for receiving the full Age Pension?

Single homeowners can now have assets up to $314,000, while non-homeowners can have up to $566,000.

How much can I earn without affecting my Age Pension?

Single pensioners can earn up to $212 per fortnight, and couples can earn up to $372 per fortnight.

What is the maximum pension amount I can receive?

The basic pension rates remain unchanged; however, your eligibility may change based on updated asset and income thresholds.

What changes have been made to Superannuation contributions?

Employer contributions to the Superannuation Scheme have increased to 11.5%, with contribution limits raised to $30,000 for before-tax contributions and $120,000 for after-tax contributions.

When will these changes take effect?

The changes took effect on August 1, 2024.


A tax law expert with a knack for breaking down complex regulations into digestible insights. Ehsteem’s articles on the tax news blog offer invaluable guidance to readers navigating changes in tax legislation.

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