Rare Bicentennial Quarter Valued at Nearly $25 Million USD – 7 More Coins Worth Over $750,000

By Jolly

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1976-S Proof Quarter

Imagine flipping through your spare change and discovering that a simple quarter could completely transform your life. Yes, you read that right! The rare Bicentennial quarter has recently made headlines due to its extraordinary value—nearly $25 million! And that’s not all; there are seven more rare quarters worth over $750,000 each. Intrigued? Let’s cut into this fascinating tale of coinage and see how you might just have a fortune in your pocket.

Bicentennial Quarter

The Bicentennial quarter is not just any coin. Released in 1975 and 1976 to commemorate America’s 200th birthday, it features a unique design by William Barton that depicts the iconic Valley Forge. This imagery represents the nation’s patriotism and unity during the Revolutionary War.

However, the true allure of the Bicentennial quarter lies beneath its surface. While most of these quarters are worth only their face value, a rare version, the 1976-S quarter, stands out.

Rarity Factor

Not all Bicentennial quarters are created equal. The standard quarter you find in your change might not be worth much, but the 1976-S quarter is an exception. Minted in San Francisco, this coin was not initially available for general circulation. Instead, it was released as part of a special collector’s set, making it a rare and highly sought-after item among numismatists.

1976-S Proof Quarter

The star of the show is the 1976-S Proof quarter, which has sold for astonishing amounts—upwards of $25 million! What makes this coin so valuable? The answer lies in its scarcity and condition. Only a limited number of these proof quarters were minted, and those that have survived are in near-perfect condition. Like a rare piece of art, the fewer there are, the more priceless they become.

Seven More Rare Quarters

But the Bicentennial quarter isn’t the only coin making waves. Here are seven other rare quarters that collectors are vying for, each worth over $750,000:

QuarterReason for High ValueEstimated Value
1932-D Washington QuarterLow mintage, high collector demandOver $750,000
1932-S Washington QuarterRare, highly sought afterOver $750,000
1995-W Washington QuarterLimited edition from Silver Proof setOver $750,000
1943/2 Overdate Washington QuarterUnique minting errorOver $750,000
1970-S Washington QuarterRarely found in circulationOver $750,000
1936-S Washington QuarterScarcity and collector interestOver $750,000
1964-D Washington Quarter (D/D Mintmark)Mintmark error, highly collectibleOver $750,000

1932-D Washington Quarter

This quarter is a gem in the world of coin collecting due to its low mintage and high demand. If you find one, hold onto it—this coin is worth more than you might imagine.

1932-S Washington Quarter

Similar to the 1932-D, the 1932-S Washington quarter is another rare find. Its scarcity makes it highly valuable among collectors.

1995-W Washington Quarter

With only a limited number minted for a Silver Proof set, the 1995-W quarter is like finding gold in your change. It’s a prized possession for any serious collector.

1943/2 Overdate Washington Quarter

This quarter features a minting error that has collectors in a frenzy. The overdate error makes it a must-have in any prestigious coin collection.

1970-S Washington Quarter

Rarely seen in everyday circulation, the 1970-S quarter’s rarity has pushed its value to over $750,000.

1936-S Washington Quarter

Another quarter that offers a solid return on investment is the 1936-S. If you’ve got one, it’s time to check its condition because it could be worth a lot more than you think.

1964-D Washington Quarter

The mintmark error on this quarter elevates its value significantly. Coin collectors adore error coins, and this one is no exception.

What to Do

So, what should you do if you stumble upon one of these rare quarters? First and foremost, resist the urge to spend it! Instead, consider getting it appraised by a reputable coin expert or numismatist. They can provide you with an accurate valuation and advise you on the best course of action, whether that’s selling the coin or holding onto it as a valuable investment.

In the world of numismatics, these rare quarters are more than just pieces of metal; they are tangible pieces of American history and culture. Whether it’s the extraordinary Bicentennial quarter or the other hidden gems on this list, discovering one of these coins can be both exhilarating and life-changing.

So, the next time you sift through your spare change, take a closer look. You might just be holding onto a fortune!


Why is the 1976-S Bicentennial quarter so valuable?

Its rarity and pristine condition make it highly sought after by collectors.

How can I identify a rare 1932-D Washington quarter?

Look for the “D” mintmark on the reverse side, near the bottom.

What should I do if I find a 1995-W quarter?

Get it appraised by a professional numismatist.

Can a coin’s minting error really increase its value?

Yes, minting errors make coins unique, boosting their value among collectors.

Where can I get a rare coin appraised?

Visit a reputable coin dealer or numismatist for an accurate appraisal.


A tax law expert with a knack for breaking down complex regulations into digestible insights. Ehsteem’s articles on the tax news blog offer invaluable guidance to readers navigating changes in tax legislation.

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