DWP £434/Month Attendance Allowance 2024 – Extra Funds Available for Citizens with Heart Conditions

By Jolly

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DWP £434/Month Attendance Allowance 2024 - Extra Funds Available for Citizens with Heart Conditions

The UK’s Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) provides a benefit called Attendance Allowance, designed to assist individuals over the State Pension age who have heart conditions or other disabilities. This financial support aims to help older adults cover additional costs related to daily living challenges, allowing them to maintain their independence at home despite their health issues.


Attendance Allowance is tailored for seniors facing difficulties due to heart-related health conditions such as angina, coronary heart disease, arrhythmias, and high blood pressure. These ailments can significantly impede a person’s ability to manage everyday tasks. By offering financial aid, the allowance helps cover the costs of essential personal care or supervision, easing the financial strain on those living with these conditions.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for Attendance Allowance, applicants must meet several criteria related to age, health, care needs, and the duration of their condition.

Age Requirement

Applicants must be over the State Pension age. Those under this age with similar needs might qualify for Personal Independence Payment (PIP) instead.

Health Requirement

Attendance Allowance is available to those with a disability or physical or mental illness, including heart conditions like angina, coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, and high blood pressure. It also covers conditions such as sight or hearing impairments and dementia, which impact daily functioning.

Care Needs

The benefit is for individuals who require assistance with personal care tasks, such as washing or dressing, or who need supervision to ensure their safety during the day or night. This is crucial for those whose heart conditions affect their ability to live independently.

Duration of Need

Applicants must have required help for at least six months to qualify, although this waiting period is waived for those who are terminally ill, allowing for immediate claims.

Payment Rates

Attendance Allowance is provided at two different rates based on the level of care required:

RateWeekly AmountAmount Every Four Weeks
Lower Rate£72.65£290.60
Higher Rate£108.55£434.20

Lower Rate

The lower rate of £72.65 per week is for individuals who need help either during the day or at night. Over four weeks, this totals £290.60.

Higher Rate

The higher rate of £108.55 per week is for those who need assistance both during the day and at night or who are terminally ill. This amount comes to £434.20 every four weeks.

Recipients can use these payments flexibly, covering costs such as transportation, household bills, or personal care services, allowing them to manage their specific needs effectively.

Claiming Attendance Allowance

Applying for Attendance Allowance involves a few key steps:

Obtain a Claim Form

The application form can be requested via phone or mail through the official GOV.UK website.

Complete the Application

The form requires detailed information about the applicant’s health condition and its impact on daily life. It’s essential to provide thorough and accurate details to ensure the best chance of a successful claim.

Submit the Form

Once completed, the form should be returned to the DWP for assessment. The DWP will review the application and determine eligibility and the appropriate payment rate.

Important Considerations

It’s important to note that individuals already receiving Personal Independence Payment (PIP) or Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for care needs cannot claim Attendance Allowance for the same issues. If an applicant receiving DLA applies for Attendance Allowance, the DWP may reassess their DLA award.

Attendance Allowance plays a crucial role in supporting individuals with heart conditions and other disabilities, helping them manage additional living costs while preserving their independence. This benefit is a lifeline for many seniors, ensuring they have the financial resources to maintain their quality of life as they age.


Who is eligible for Attendance Allowance?

Individuals over the State Pension age with disabilities or illnesses needing care.

How much is Attendance Allowance?

The allowance ranges from £72.65 to £108.55 per week, depending on care needs.

Can I claim if I already get PIP?

No, you cannot claim Attendance Allowance if you receive PIP or DLA for care needs.

How long must I need help to qualify?

Help must have been needed for at least six months unless you are terminally ill.

What does Attendance Allowance cover?

It can be used for personal care, household bills, transportation, and other related expenses.


A tax law expert with a knack for breaking down complex regulations into digestible insights. Ehsteem’s articles on the tax news blog offer invaluable guidance to readers navigating changes in tax legislation.

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