Chapter 35 VA Payment Schedule – When Will You Receive Your September 2024 VA Education Benefits?

By Jolly

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Chapter 35 VA Payment Schedule - When Will You Receive Your September 2024 VA Education Benefits?

If you’re a beneficiary of the Chapter 35 Survivors and Dependents Educational Assistance (DEA) program, staying on top of your payment schedule is crucial. Knowing when you’ll receive your VA education benefits can help you plan your finances more effectively. Here’s a guide to help you navigate the payment process for September 2024.

Chapter 35 DEA

The Chapter 35 DEA program offers up to 36 months of education and training benefits to dependents and spouses of veterans who are either permanently and totally disabled due to a service-related condition or who died while on active duty or as a result of a service-related condition. These benefits can be used for a wide range of educational pursuits, including college degrees, vocational training, apprenticeships, and more.

Payment Amounts

The monthly payment you receive under Chapter 35 depends on several factors, including your enrollment status and the type of educational program you’re pursuing. Here’s a breakdown of the payment structure:

  • Full-time Enrollment: If you are a full-time student at a college or university, you can receive up to $1,488 per month.
  • Part-time Enrollment: If you’re enrolled less than full-time, your payment will be prorated. For example, if you’re taking half the full-time course load, you would receive approximately half of the full-time payment amount.
  • Non-College Degree Programs/On-the-Job Training: Payments vary based on the number of clock hours or the stage of your training. These payments are generally less than those for full-time college students and are adjusted according to the program type and hours completed.
  • Less Than Half-Time Enrollment: If you’re enrolled in less than half-time courses, your payment may be further reduced and typically covers only tuition and fees.

Payment Date

To know when you can expect your VA education benefits in September 2024, you need to know the role of your “Transaction Date” in the payment process. The Transaction Date is the date when your enrollment certification is processed through the WAVE (Web Automated Verification of Enrollment) system. The VA schedules payments for the next business day following your Transaction Date.

Example Scenario

Let’s break down an example to illustrate how the payment timing works:

  • School Start Date: September 1, 2024
  • Transaction Date: September 4, 2024

In this scenario, if your Transaction Date is September 4th, your payment should be processed on September 5th, assuming that’s a business day. If September 5th falls on a weekend or a holiday, the payment will be processed on the next business day.

Checking Your Payment

To determine your exact payment date, you should regularly check the WAVE system for your Transaction Date. Once you have this date, simply add one business day to get an accurate estimate of when your funds will be deposited.

For example, if your Transaction Date is a Friday, your payment should be processed the following Monday (or the next business day if Monday is a holiday).

Planning Ahead

By knowing the Transaction Date and payment processing system, you can better manage your educational expenses and avoid financial stress. Make sure to monitor your WAVE account closely, especially around the start of the month, to stay informed about when your benefits will arrive.

It’s also a good practice to verify your enrollment status and ensure that all your information is correct in the WAVE system to prevent any delays in your payment.


What is the Chapter 35 DEA program?

It provides educational benefits to dependents of veterans who are permanently disabled or deceased due to service-related conditions.

How much is the full-time payment under Chapter 35?

Full-time students can receive up to $1,488 per month.

When will I receive my VA education benefits in September 2024?

Check your Transaction Date in the WAVE system and add one business day for the estimated payment date.

What if I’m enrolled less than full-time?

Your payment will be prorated based on your enrollment status.

How do I check my payment status?

Use the WAVE system to monitor your Transaction Date and payment status.


A tax law expert with a knack for breaking down complex regulations into digestible insights. Ehsteem’s articles on the tax news blog offer invaluable guidance to readers navigating changes in tax legislation.

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