Bantuan Keluarga Malaysia 2024 – RM300 Support Payment for Seniors Arriving on This Date

By Jolly

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Bantuan Keluarga Malaysia 2024 - RM300 Support Payment for Seniors Arriving on This Date

The Bantuan Keluarga Malaysia (BKM) initiative, introduced by the Malaysian government in 2022, is a direct financial assistance program aimed at supporting those in need, particularly low-income families, single parents, and senior citizens. As we move into 2024, the BKM program continues to play a crucial role in easing the financial burden for many Malaysians.

Bantuan Keluarga Malaysia

The BKM initiative was launched in response to the economic challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. With many businesses closing and employees losing their jobs, the Malaysian government recognized the need for targeted financial assistance. BKM was introduced as part of Budget 2022 to provide direct cash aid to vulnerable groups, particularly the B40 group (the bottom 40% of income earners). The program is designed to help these individuals cope with the rising cost of living and the financial strain caused by the pandemic.

Target Groups

BKM primarily targets:

  • Senior Citizens: Those aged 60 and above.
  • Single Parents: Especially those earning less than RM5,000 per month.
  • Families with Children: Particularly those with three or more children, where the financial burden is typically higher.

BKM 2024

In 2024, senior citizens aged 60 and above continue to receive financial assistance under the BKM program. Each eligible senior citizen can receive a payment of RM300, which is intended to help cover basic living expenses. This payment recognizes the challenges faced by older Malaysians, many of whom rely on fixed incomes or have limited financial resources.

Support for Single Parents

Single parents are another group that benefits significantly from the BKM program. For 2024, single parents earning less than RM5,000 per month are eligible for a monthly supplementary assistance of RM500. This additional support is crucial in helping single parents manage the costs of raising children, including education, healthcare, and daily necessities.

Payments Based on Family Size

The amount of financial assistance provided through BKM varies depending on the size of the family and the number of dependents. Households with up to four children can receive between RM1,000 and RM2,000, depending on their income. For example, families earning between RM2,500 and RM5,000 per month will receive BKM payments ranging from RM500 to RM1,000. This tiered approach ensures that larger families, who often face higher expenses, receive the support they need.

Increased Maximum BKM Rate

One significant update for 2024 is the increase in the maximum BKM rate. Single parents with dependents can now receive up to RM3,000 in benefits, an increase from the previous maximum of RM2,500. This adjustment reflects the government’s commitment to providing more substantial support to those who need it most.

Application and Eligibility

If you were previously a recipient of other government assistance programs such as the Geran Khas Prihatin (GKP), Bantuan Prihatin Rakyat (BPR), or Bantuan Khas Covid-19 (BKC), you do not need to reapply for BKM. These individuals will automatically be considered for BKM in 2024.

New Applications

For those who have never applied for BPR, GKP, or BKC assistance, it is necessary to apply for BKM to be eligible for the 2024 benefits. The application process typically involves submitting personal and financial information to determine eligibility.

Payment Phases

BKM payments are disbursed in phases throughout the year. For example, in 2022, payments were made in four phases, with the final phase completed in December. The schedule for 2024 payments is expected to follow a similar pattern, ensuring that recipients receive timely support.

The Bantuan Keluarga Malaysia program continues to be a vital lifeline for many Malaysian families, providing essential financial support to those who need it most. Whether you’re a senior citizen, a single parent, or a family with several children, BKM offers crucial assistance to help manage the challenges of daily living. As 2024 unfolds, eligible Malaysians can look forward to the continued benefits of this important government initiative.


Who is eligible for the BKM 2024?

Senior citizens, single parents earning less than RM5,000, and families with children.

How much will senior citizens receive under BKM 2024?

Senior citizens aged 60 and above will receive RM300.

What is the maximum BKM rate for single parents in 2024?

Single parents can receive up to RM3,000.

Do I need to reapply for BKM if I received BPR or GKP?

No, previous recipients are automatically considered.

When will BKM 2024 payments be made?

Payments will be disbursed in phases throughout the year.


A tax law expert with a knack for breaking down complex regulations into digestible insights. Ehsteem’s articles on the tax news blog offer invaluable guidance to readers navigating changes in tax legislation.

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