Rising Concerns Over Social Security’s Future – 72% of Americans Fear Fund Depletion

By Jolly

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Rising Concerns Over Social Security’s Future - 72% of Americans Fear Fund Depletion

Workers who contribute to Social Security throughout their careers naturally expect a return on their investment upon retirement. But what if the system they rely on is running out of money? A recent survey from the Nationwide Retirement Institute reveals that this concern is growing among Americans.

According to the survey, 72% of adults worry that Social Security will run out of funding during their lifetime. Even more alarming, 23% believe they won’t receive any benefits at all.

Survey Insights

This survey, conducted with over 1,800 adults aged 18 and up, highlights a generational divide. Millennials and Gen Xers are particularly worried about the stability of Social Security’s funding. It’s not hard to see why—the uncertainty surrounding the program’s future is creating anxiety.

Why the Concern?

The fear isn’t entirely unfounded. The trust fund that supports Social Security is projected to be depleted by 2033. If this happens, only 79% of promised benefits will be payable. This means that retirees may receive less than they expect, which is causing many Americans to question the reliability of Social Security.

Political Impact

With the upcoming presidential election, Social Security is becoming a hot topic. Voters are keenly interested in where candidates stand on this issue. Although there is concern, experts like David Blanchett, managing director and head of retirement research at PGIM DC Solutions, believe that the complete disappearance of Social Security is highly unlikely. “The odds of it going away completely, I think, are really, really low,” Blanchett recently told CNBC.

Potential Changes

While it’s unlikely that Social Security will vanish, changes could be on the horizon. These changes might include higher earners receiving a reduced income replacement rate. This restructuring would mean that those who earn more during their working years may see less in benefits than they currently expect. However, experts like Joe Elsasser, a certified financial planner and president of the Social Security claiming software company Covisum, agree that while benefits may be reduced, they won’t disappear entirely.

Expert Opinions

Both Blanchett and Elsasser assure us that Social Security, as a public pension system, will continue to provide a safety net for nearly all Americans. The idea that Social Security will vanish is mostly exaggerated, and while some restructuring may be necessary, the system is here to stay.

In conclusion, while concerns about Social Security are valid, the complete disappearance of benefits is unlikely. Workers should stay informed and engaged on this issue, especially as political debates heat up around Social Security’s future. It’s important to understand that even if changes occur, Social Security will remain a cornerstone of retirement planning for most Americans.


Will Social Security run out of money soon?

Are Millennials more worried about Social Security?

Yes, Millennials and Gen Xers are the most concerned.

Can Social Security benefits disappear completely?

Experts say this is highly unlikely.

Will higher earners see reduced benefits?

Yes, possible restructuring could lower their benefits.

Should I worry about Social Security’s future?

Stay informed, but experts believe it will continue.


A tax law expert with a knack for breaking down complex regulations into digestible insights. Ehsteem’s articles on the tax news blog offer invaluable guidance to readers navigating changes in tax legislation.

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