$1,312 Stimulus Payment Schedule – When is the Payment Due in September?

By Jolly

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$1,312 Stimulus Payment Schedule - When is the Payment Due in September?

The Alaska Permanent Fund, established in 1976, stands as a cornerstone of financial support for Alaskans, drawing from the state’s substantial oil revenue. Every year, eligible residents receive a distribution known as the Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD), which in 2024 amounts to $1,312 per person. This payment is a tangible reflection of Alaska’s dedication to sharing its natural resource wealth directly with its citizens.


The PFD is a unique feature of Alaska’s economy, specifically designed to ensure that the state’s oil and gas revenues benefit all residents, not just those involved in the industry.

Managed by the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation, the annual dividend provides a reliable income source, especially during economic downturns. For many Alaskan families, the $1,312 payment is vital, helping to cover essential expenses such as food, housing, and healthcare.


In 2024, the PFD payments are scheduled across multiple dates, depending on the status of the dividend applications. The following table outlines the key payout dates based on when applications reach the “Eligible-Not Paid” status:

Application Status DatePayout Date
August 7, 2024August 15, 2024
September 4, 2024September 12, 2024
September 20, 2024October 3, 2024
October 14, 2024October 24, 2024

This schedule ensures that residents who applied earlier receive their payments in a timely manner, while those with later statuses also receive their dividends within the same year.

Application Process

Applying for the PFD requires careful attention to detail, as eligibility criteria are strictly enforced. Applicants must provide proof of continuous residency in Alaska, with any long-term absences requiring adherence to specific rules set by the program. This ensures that the PFD benefits those who genuinely live in and contribute to the state.

Additionally, maintaining a clean criminal record is essential to qualify for the dividend. This requirement underscores the program’s goal of rewarding law-abiding residents. Accuracy and transparency in the application process are crucial, as errors or omissions can lead to delays or even disqualification from receiving the payment.


The PFD remains an essential financial resource for many Alaskans, reflecting the state’s commitment to equitably distributing the wealth generated from its natural resources. In a state where the cost of living can be high, the dividend provides much-needed financial relief, particularly for those in lower-income brackets. It’s not just a payment; it’s a lifeline that helps many residents manage their household budgets and secure a better quality of life.


Who is eligible for the PFD?

Residents who meet Alaska’s residency and legal requirements are eligible.

How much is the 2024 PFD?

The 2024 PFD amount is $1,312 per eligible resident.

When are the 2024 PFD payments issued?

Payments are issued on specific dates in August, September, and October.

How can I check my application status?

You can check your status through the Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend Division’s online portal.

What happens if I miss the application deadline?

Missing the deadline typically disqualifies you from receiving that year’s PFD.


A tax law expert with a knack for breaking down complex regulations into digestible insights. Ehsteem’s articles on the tax news blog offer invaluable guidance to readers navigating changes in tax legislation.

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